VERSE 1 (in English)
Our Dear Little sister Leanne,
We are sorry to miss you in our earthly days! Perhaps, that was what our Loving God has intended for you. But you will always be remembered in our hearts; particularly, your enduring faith in the Lord even in times of your hardships and sufferings ---- you and your husband, brother William 振東 continued to glorify the Lord through your persistent concern, care, and love for other brothers/sisters and/or their families!!! Though you have left us, we are looking forward to seeing you in Heaven! Meanwhile, you and William’s exemplary life testimonies have become an encouragement for us to follow; that is, to always remain faithful to the Lord; even in our weak and difficult times, by unceasingly counting God’s Miraculous and Gracious Works just as what both of you did, for He will show us the right way!!! You, indeed, have lightened up our lives! Allelujah!!!
In Christ with Love,
Verse 2 (in Chinese)
您「勝過世界」的相片拍得很亮麗, 卽時令我想起神的榮光照耀在您和William振東弟兄夫婦身上 ---- 除了彰顯了您們倆對癌病同行者不離不棄的關愛, 您們的互相扶持、體貼入微、呵護備至的良好見證亦成為我與丈夫學效的榜樣 ---- 正正體現主愛在其中, 夫婦同心同行, 感恩、感恩!!!
愛是恆久忍耐, 又有恩慈………..愛是永不止息。(林前13:4-8)